Monday, August 18, 2008

Peas and Potatoes and Beans ... oh my.

The first potatoes have been pulled from the garden. They look, and taste, delicious. Peas and beans are growing in abundance. See below, this is just from Monday.


Minou said...

oh nice..... i got a small cup of beans. Not even worth mentioning. The slugs liked them too....
Planted a potato late in the summer - how do I decide when to dig it up?

Sarah said...

i love it when people write stuff! Thanks Angela. Apparently you can dig up after your potatoes hae flowered. I however had so much greenery on my potato plants that I had to cut them down before they pulled themselves over, hence they never flowered. So I just dug them up. Also I just dug all the rest of them up because the soil has been so wet and I did not want them to rot.
That's all I got.